Our theme today has to do with that time of year when we are celebrating the holidays. For pets, this time of year can be confusing, and sometimes dangerous. Here we’ll walk through some things to think about when preparing for the holidays.

Dangerous Foods – There are foods during the holidays that can be considered dangerous for pets. Alcohol, Eggnog, Candy, Ham & Bacon… all things that typically come out around the holidays that can be bad for pets if ingested. Be sure to keep kids and guests from sneaking treats to your curious furry friends during the holidays.

Decorations – These can be very dangerous, especially for cats. Tinsel can be irresistible and can turn into a choking hazard. When eaten, tinsel can easily get tangled inside the intestines and could result in serious injury requiring surgery. Also, lit candles can easily be knocked over and start a fire. Keep an eye of candles around the house to avoid a tragedy.

Christmas Trees – Water at the bottom of the tree can be enticing for both cats and dogs. This water can contain bacteria that can be harmful for pets. Similar to tinsel, strings of lights and ornaments can be dangerous. If chewed on, these lights could electrify your pet and that would not be good. Also, a Christmas tree might look like a playground to a cat. Make sure your tree is properly supported in case your cat decides to turn your tree into a jungle gym.

If your pet happens to get themselves into trouble around the holidays, please contact us so we can help.